Biohacking – Peter Attia
Biohacking: Somewhere between zero and epsilon Peter Attia has something to say to all these alternative medicine biohackers out there. 1. “There are few concepts in the longevity space that inspire my disdain more than the b-word: biohacking – the notion that individuals can enhance health, performance, and lifespan by [...]
The Doctor AI debate
The Doctor AI debate It’s still very early in the era of A.I. in medicine, especially with LLMs. Progress in medical A.I. won’t occur in a straight line. Doctor Eric Topol does a very good job summarizing some of the latest findings. One big step forward with a 16.000 patient [...]
Extend your lifespan by 12 years
Extend your lifespan by 12 years. Get the fundamentals right The data says that if you get these 5 things right at the age of 50 you will extend your lifespan by 12 (male) to 14 (female) years. Don't smoke Stay active Normal weight Modest Alcohol Good Diet Add annual [...]
Longevity and managing risk – Edward Thorp
Excellent Bloomberg interview with legendary hedge fund icon Edward Thorp (age 91) on longevity and managing risk. Some quotes: 1. You can minimize that risk by what you eat and the kind of exercise you do and by regular checkups, so that if something is going wrong, you can address [...]
How to train if your goal is longevity
1. If your primary goal is general wellness and longevity, a new study found that total aerobic activity predicts all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease better than intensity. 2. The scientists analyzed the data of nearly 40,000 participants over a 12-year period. While there are benefits to training with intensity, getting [...]
The power of exercise
Dr. Benjamin Levine is a legend in the field of exercise physiology. He ran a study that shows that: 1. as we age, the heart tends to get smaller and stiffer. This impacts its efficiency, reducing exercise capacity and potentially elevating heart failure risk 2. But remarkably, 2 years of [...]