Executive Health introduces advanced micronutritional analysis and dietary advice:

  • We will do a thorough analysis of your diet, metabolism, food intolerance and a DNA analysis of your lifestyle’s interaction with your diet.

  • The analysis is led by Rebeca Eriksen. Rebeca has a PhD in nutrition related genetics from King’s College and is a clinical nutritionist with many years’ experience from private practice on Harley Street in central London.

  • Rebeca has had great success with the Marbella clinic’s customers when it comes to lowering their cholesterol levels, detecting intolerances and changing dietary habits.

  • The analysis will be related to your previous Executive Health examination for optimal results.

  • You will receive personal recommendations and customized dietary advice as well as dietary supplements based on your requirements and needs.

  • The focus is on preventive health, increased well-being and strengthening of the immune system.

  • The analysis includes blood tests, DNA tests, two visits to Rebeca and continuous follow-ups through mail, phone or WhatsApp for a year.

Price: SEK 16.500

Contact us today

Blasieholmsgatan 4A
111 48 Stockholm

+46 08 410 957 00

[email protected]

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