Hit the gym – at any age
Peter Attia on the huge importance of strength training for longevity purposes.
”Exercise, and in particular resistance training, is one of the most effective ways to combat sarcopenia, and the so-called “age-related” declines in muscle composition are not as unavoidable as many might assume. The results of this study demonstrate that heavy resistance training creates gross adaptations to skeletal muscle in the form of strength and hypertrophy and suggest that the irregular shape of atrophied muscle fibers is a hallmark of insufficient stimuli more than chronological age alone. Older muscle still responds to resistance training, proving again that it’s never too early or too late to start reaping the benefits of this crucial strategy for preventing muscle losses with age. Show me a 90-year-old who says, “Gee, I wish I had less muscle mass” and I’ll show you a leprechaun at the end of a double rainbow riding a unicorn kissing a mermaid.”